A first-of-its-kind structure featuring an off-grid, closed loop utility system

The Burkett Farm container barn is a farm production facility, educational venue, and storage site for Burkett Farm. It’s a first-of-its-kind structure featuring an off-grid, closed loop utility system. The building is a model of emerging technology in sustainable building systems, energy-efficient systems, and environmentally friendly building practices and materials.  

The structure is composed of 13 shipping containers on a 7,000-square-foot concrete slab. It features: a 27,000-gallon rainwater cistern, connected with 2 smaller 2,015 gallon cisterns for rainwater harvesting; and a 3,600-square-foot south facing roof that hosts 144 solar panels that can produce up to 56 KwH of solar energy and harvest 4,500 gallons of rainwater in 1 hour from a 1-inch rainfall

Follow the journey…

Watch each step of the construction process that brought our container barn to life.

Video courtesy of REdesign.build.