The Farm

At Burkett Farm we rely solely on sustainable/organic methods, including cover cropping, crop rotation, and providing food and habitat for beneficial insects. We focus on enriching our soil and managing pests and disease while being good stewards of the land.


We donate the majority of the produce grown at Burkett Farm to Inter-Faith Food Shuttle each week. Since inception, we have donated more than 72,000 pounds of fresh food to this Triangle-based food pantry.  

We also grow cut flowers for donation to the Flower Shuttle, a local non profit organization that provides flowers to people living with sickness, terminal illness, poverty and disability who don't normally get flowers.

We have a small collection of wholesale partners - chefs and florists who pay for what we give them in the form of donations to a local non-profit with a focus on anti-poverty work in the Triangle area.

If you’re a food access-focused non-profit organization or a local, mission-aligned organization seeking to partner with us, please submit an inquiry here.

Since our distribution is focused on food access, our crops are not for sale to the public. You can support the mission of the farm by volunteering, or visiting one of our restaurant partners. 

Where can I buy Burkett Farm produce? 

Field Notes from the Farm